Information current as of 7th of March 2025
Premium :
15 languages supported
Supported simulators : MSFS2020, MSFS2024, X-Plane 11, X-Plane 12, P3Dv5
English ONLY
Supported simulators : MSFS2020, MSFS2024
Any question ? Join our Discord Server :
Integrations :
Frequencies, Procedures (IFR), Fixes (IFR) and Airports
using Current AIRAC for Navigraph subscriber -or- an older AIRAC otherwise
VFR procedures and VRP are manually built by the dedicated VFR team
Specific workarounds :
When Approach and Tower share the same frequency, Approach frequency is moved to 125.39
IFR FlightPlan must be filed on SimBrief
ActiveSkyFS (optional, for ActiveSkyFS users)
Weather information is pulled from ActiveSkyFS instead of SI live weather source
FS2Crew (optional, for FS2Crew users)
Shared copilot voice (FS2Crew Stephanie) between FS2Crew and SI
Features :
Under development features : ask on discord if you wish a more accurate status.
Feature details / Capabilities :
Here are some excerpt and examples of SayIntentions.AI capabilities.
Ask on Discord for anything that doesn’t appear in this list or if you want more information.
This is an excerpt of the ATC capabilities (FAQ).
Ask on Discord for anything not listed.
Localized accents and voices
TODO: List countries
Emergencies (Medical & Failures)/Go-Around are supported
Be aware that simulation of illegal activities is strictly forbidden on the SayIntentions.AI network
Pilot to pilot frequency (range 30 NM) : ICAO 123.065 & 123.135, Universal 124.24
ATIS information is built from METAR -or- provided by ActiveSkyFS (Misc Tab > Weather Source)
Taxi Help (MSFS only)
FollowMe Car
Will send a FollowMe Car to guide you
Request it to the appropriate station after taxi instructions
“Not familiar with the airport, can you send us a FollowMe Car ?”
Taxi Assist
Will display a taxi path to reach the runway or your parking/ramp/gate
Enable and configure in “Pilot Portal > Settings > Taxi Assist”
Request it to the appropriate station after taxi instructions
“Can you enable the taxi path/lights/arrows ?”
Flight Following
Open/Close VFR Flightplan
submit VFR Flightplan via Pilot Portal > Flight Plan
Region specific implementations
Flights fully covered
Airport-specific procedures are implemented manually, please ask in #feature-requests if your airport is not covered yet (see Full List (US))
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK
VRP & Procedures for an always increasing list of airports (see Full List (EU)), please ask in #feature-requests if your airport is not covered yet !
Rest of the world
Basic VFR services
Activating an IFR flight
SimBrief Pilot ID (Settings > General)
SimBrief IFR Flightplan filed
Request IFR clearance on the appropriate frequency
“Request IFR to <filed_destination>”
For now, ATC will issue “Direct To” your first waypoint
Standard SID
Open SID are supported (vectors to first waypoint, example of such SID : CYYZ Rwy23 URSAL4)
For now, ATC will issue “Direct To” the first waypoint
Descend via (FAA only)
Direct vectors to Approach
CPDLC/ACARS SayIntentions.AI Network
Natively integrated into
iniBuilds A350
Fenix A320 series
Leonardo Maddogs
Headwind A339
ProSim (change endpoint to SI's instead of Hoppie)
Connect any aircraft with CPDLC/ACARS capabilities to the SayIntentions.AI network via Dave Black's ACARS bridge (see FAQ below)
VATSIM/IVAO Handoff (IFR only)
Handoff to SayIntentions.AI
Make sure Flightplan is filed on SimBrief
Tune to 122.8 as instructed by the VATSIM/IVAO controller
Disconnect from VATSIM
Switch On SayIntentions.AI ATC
Press “New Flight” if required
Wait for the AI controller to contact you (30sec-1min)
Handoff to VATSIM/IVAO
Not officially supported/endorsed by SayIntentions.AI
Execute procedure so as to reconnect outside VATSIM/IVAO controlled airspace
Make sure Flightplan is filed on VATSIM/IVAO
Switch Off SayIntentions.AI ATC
Connect to Vatsim according to the CoC (aircraft positionned correctly) and wait for the controller to contact you (or contact if not called before entering controlled area)
Configure as Intercom 1 or 2 (Settings > Intercom > Channel 1|2 & Settings > Controls > Intercom PTT 1|2)
/!\ CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT /!\Checklist matched upon :
in-sim aircraft type
SimBrief “Aircraft Type”
SayIntentions.AI “Aircraft ICAO” type (Settings > Identity)
List available checklists for your current aircraft
“What checklists are available ?”
ATC Communications
“Can you handle the comms please ?” -or- Press the “Comms : Pilot” button in the top right of the SI Client so it shows “Comms : Co-Pilot”
As a Pilot, you will still have 3 clearances to request :
IFR : “Request IFR to…”
Taxi : “Ready to taxi”
Departure : “Ready for departure”
Traffic Injection
Multiplayer Traffic (SkyNet)
Ability to see other SayIntentions users injected into your simulator
Best coupled with Live Proximity Traffic and Share my audio (Settings > Multiplayer)
Model and livery matching against any of these model libraries
MSFS default models
FS Traffic
AIG (not yet)
AI Traffic
Configure as Intercom 1 or 2 (Settings > Intercom > Channel 1|2 & Settings > Controls > Intercom PTT 1|2)
Cabin Crews
Boarding (trigger : Readback of clearance +30seconds)
Pushback (trigger : Beacon ON & Wheels moving)
Climb (trigger : > 10,000ft MSL)
Cruise (trigger : reaching Cruise Level)
Descent (trigger : leaving Cruise Level)
Arrival (trigger : < 10,000ft MSL)
Landing (trigger : Touchdown +30seconds)
Deboarding (trigger : Beacon OFF & Engines OFF)
All announcements can also be triggered on demand to the cabin crew
Other Interactions
As well as announcements, you can request or talk about almost anything with your cabin crew !
Cabin Crisis
Want to add some spice, fun or workload to your flight ?
“You are never as well served as when you serve yourself”
Use your own voice as a Cabin Crew member !
Partners only
Get started with ATC communications
“Who should I contact for…”
“What should I ask for…”
Learn how to configure your aircraft
Discuss about any aviation related topic
And much more !
Tour Guides
A personal Tour Guide to discover your surrounding, the Tour Guide will pro-actively comment on your surroundings
Tour guide will still talk to you, but not pro-actively (Sterile cockpit) when :
Airplane is on the ground
Airplane has been cleared for VFR pattern entry
Airplane has been cleared for takeoff
Airplane has been cleared to land
Airplane is doing closed traffic
Airplane is IFR below 10,000 ft.
Ability to load a Custom Tour (Pilot Portal > Tour Tuner)
Ramp agent (GroundOps)
Contact the ramp agent on 119.99
Fuel Truck
“Can you send a fuel truck to our position ?”
“Please connect the jetway”
Basic example :
“Connect the tug”
“Ready for pushback”
“Disconnect the tug”
Cancel pushback :
“Abort pushback”
Detailed example in the FAQ
Missions (SkyOps)
SkyOps Crew
SkyOps Crew can be set in the Intercom menu, Channel 1 or Channel 2
Are specifically trained for SkyOps missions and are mandatory for certain mission types
Mission Types
Search & Rescue
Applicable only if you're in a helicopter
Requires a callsign (Settings > Identity) in the following list : Helicopter, Medevac, Medivac, Lifeflight, Life-Flight, Rescue
Requires a SkyOps Crew
Search only, Air Ambulance
Requires a SkyOps Crew
VIP, Cargo, Ferrying
Any SkyOps Crew or Cabin Crew
Requires a SkyOps Crew
Requesting a mission
Over the SkyOps frequency (122.11)
“Request <mission_type> mission”
Via FlightLine
“<aircraft_icao>, at <icao>, request <mission_type> mission”
Examples with additional instructions
122.11 :
“Request VIP mission, minimum range 120 nautical miles”
“Ready to pickup a mission”
If in a helicopter, will default to a Search & Rescue mission, otherwise in a Search only mission
FlightLine :
“C172, at KHIO, request cargo mission, destination : KAST, next 1 minute”
“C172, at KHIO, request VIP mission, next 5 minutes. Can you include distance and rough heading to destination ?”
Scenery objects injection (only MSFS2020 & MSFS2024 for the time being)
Depending on the mission type, SkyOps will inject scenery objects to support the mission narrative.
Missions with scenery objects injection are Search & Rescue, Search Only and Firefighting
Clearance Delivery
Request VFR/IFR clearance via text
Text Information Service
SkyOps mission request
See Missions (SkyOps) > Requesting a mission
View your SayIntentions communication window from any remote device on your network
Community-driven Editors
Pilot Portal > TaxiTuner
Pilot Portal > TourTuner
Pilot Portal > ChecklistTuner
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